The Law of Vibration: Thought Vibration

In this article I am going to take you through “The Law of Vibration”. As per the law, “We don’t get what we want. We get what we are”. Lets see how?
The Law of Vibration: Thought Vibration

In this article I am going to take you through “The Law of Vibration”. As per the law, “We don’t get what we want. We get what we are”. Lets see how?

Most of us already heard about the “law of attraction”, which says that we can manifest or attract whatever we want in our life.

How law of vibration is related to law of attraction? At a deeper level, the law of vibrations powers the law of attraction.

Science and spiritually were considered a pole opposite but with the advent of quantum physics scientist communities started seeing the convergency of apparently divergent realm.

We know the Albert Einstein’s famous equation: E=MC2 , which says that energy is equal to matter and vice-versa.

Means, everything is fundamentally energy around us. Be it chairs, tables, trees, light, sound, animals and even we human beings. Means, our thoughts, emotions and feelings are nothing more than an energy packets. Actually, our emotions are “energy in motion”.

When scientists tried to put an atom under an electron microscope and zoom in, they noticed that atom are made up of electrons, protons and neutrons (a typical physics stuff). On further dissection they see quarks and eventually an energy packet.

Law of vibration
Law of vibrations

Our skin, organs, bones, hairs are all made of tissues. Tissues are made up of an accumulated molecules. Molecules are made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of electrons protons and neutrons and they are in turn made up of quarks and eventually an energy. You see, we are energy vibrating at a certain frequency.

Every object has its own unique vibration or frequency. Chair has its own unique frequency, a table has its own unique vibrational frequency, even we have a different vibrational frequency.

So, anything that’s solid or apparently appears to be solid including ourselves are simply cells, atoms and molecules that are vibrating at a certain frequency. This frequency is so fast that our eyes cannot pick up the subtle part of our existence. That is why these things appear solid to us.

Now let’s try to see how law of vibration is linked to law of attraction and how it helps us to manifest our dream goal.

All of us have Radio or TV at our homes.

When we want a certain channel to be aired, we tune it to a particular frequency (vibration).

Law of vibration
Law of vibrations

If we set Red FM, we get songs from that particular channel only, nothing else. When we want to watch news or our favorite movie, we need to set that a channel through our remote. Means, we need to set our device to a particular frequency to receive what we want.

The same goes to ourselves as well.  Our mind is like a giant receiver of universal frequencies. We receive what we are attuned to. If we are set (tune) for abundance, we will receive abundance. If we are set for misery, we will receive misery.

As we have seen that we are energy packets and emit that energy at different frequencies.

So, a person that’s good with money emits a certain vibrational frequency that is different from someone who is poor.

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Someone who attracts terrible relationships and always seems to attract bad people & situation into their lives is admitting a different vibrational energy than someone who always attracts loving and positive people into their lives. That’s the power of vibrations in our daily lives.

Our vibrational frequency can also influence your health.

You know, the placebo effect. When doctors give a sugar pills instead of a medicine to a patient, he started to recover. Why? Because patient carries a certain belief in doctors/ hospital/ medicine capability that he will be ok now.

We can say that our believes are our feelings. Feelings are energy vibrating at certain frequencies. You would have noticed when you feel good, you are rushed with energy. On contrary, when are sad, we feel depleted energy.

Unaware of the law of vibration we tend to have a fairly set vibrational frequency that runs throughout life and this is based on our consistent habitual and predictable ways of thinking, feeling and actions. Moreover, these are largely subconscious. You would have heart that more than 90% of our thoughts are repeated thoughts. More than 90% of our daily task are repeated. Hardly there is element of novelty in our lives.

So, now we know that everything is energy and the energy is always moving or vibrating.

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As per the law of attraction: like attracts like or like energy attracts like energy. Means, energy that is vibrating at a certain frequency attracts other energy that is vibrating at the same frequency.

Let’s consider a scientific experiment to understand this point.

Take two tuning forks (we all would have seen this during our school days at labs).

Tuning forks has two prongs. When you strike the tuning fork, it makes a sound because the two prongs started vibrating. But if you put another tuning fork nearby the vibrations from the first tuning forks, the sound waves started to make the second tuning fork vibrate without it being struck. Both forks started vibrating in sync. This is known to as RESONANCE in physics.

It’s the same with people.

If you have an abundance mindset then your level of vibration (remember thoughts are vibrating energies) will ensure that you attract people, situations & opportunity that will fill abundance into your life.

If you have a scarcity mindset then that’s a different level of vibration, which will be in harmony and resonate with other scarcity vibrations. As a consequence you attract more scarcity, lack & misery into your life.

So, the key point here to remember is that you don’t get what you WANT. You get what you ARE.

When you consistently choose happy feelings, then you’ll have an energy vibration that is in harmony with happy feelings.

You attract more people, situations and opportunities into your life that bring happiness and if you regularly feel upset, angry, frustrated, inferior or worthless, then you’re going to bring more of that into your life.

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So, how we can get rid of low vibrations (feelings/ emotions) in our life ? Solution lies in awareness. We need to be a keen observer of our self.

Notice how you feel during the day. What are the situations and people that tend to trigger negative emotional state? What are the tasks and activities that don’t feel good? Notice how you feel is the best way to know when your level of vibration changes from high to low.

Now, the big question is how we can increase the level of vibration and manifest what we want in our life?

William Walker Atkinson in his book (Thought Vibration: The law of attraction in the thought world) has describe the entire process in detail. I strongly recommend you to read this book to satiate your curiosity.

If you are keen to explore further you can consider reading book The Law of Vibration: The Revelation of William D. Gann. As per author, there is a deep-rooted structure in the universe, pattern of oscillation, which can be found in fluctuations in stock markets and in economic activity.

This book may be of interest to investors, economists, scientists or anyone who is keen to uncover the pattern in the reality/ existence/ universe.

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About Author

Manu Dhiman
MBA- Finance (S.P Jain)

I love to write and discuss about personal finance topics: mutual funds, stock market, credit cards, insurance, real estate, etc. For daily video content ⤵️

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